Friday, February 7, 2025

Be My Valentine

Won’t You Be My Valentine?

So, there’s some ire from my community who is outside of the US, since the postal pick-me-ups* are only available for mailing addresses based in the United States.

Oh friends, it’s not because I don’t want to send you a card …

… it’s because the current amount of treasure won’t cover the cost of international postage.

If you happen to be outside of the US and really want a Valentine from me, would you be open a digital note?
  • You can email me at and let me know
  • You can also sign up for the newsletter (which will be focused on love and encouragement this month).
If you ARE based in the US … and just now coming across this opportunity, yes - I’d love to send you a postal pick-me-up* in honor of Valentine’s Day.

Yes. That's right. I am, in fact, asking: won’t you be my Valentine?

πŸ’Œ There’s no sign up form. Just send an email with your name and US-based address to

Yes, this is free. There’s no purchase necessary.

🐌 *When I say postal pick-me-up, what I mean is a literal postcard sent via snail-mail that will hopefully bring a smile to your face! If you're like, "Ah, Jen - I need more information!" That’s fair. I would want details too. There’s a project page here on the blog: Send Me Encouragement (SME) — keep in mind, there are a limited number of postcards (and postage) available.

And yes, this continues to be a part of my birthday month celebration.

Because - as I said before - positive ripples make me happy!

Now, if you'd like to contribute to my efforts, I am happy to accept your kind generosity!

Option 1: take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called

Option 2: maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (see digital options below) and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude!
  • CashApp: $jabsplethora
  • Venmo: @jabsplethora
  • PayPal:
I am loving this … so please expect more send me encouragement (sme)/birthday fun to come!


You are worthy of finding a safe space within love that offers you the opportunity to be fully vulnerable and seen, showered with grace and generosity — and a deep knowing that you belong.

You are worthy of offering it to yourself and receiving it from yourself; you are worth of loving your great soul.

You are worth of receiving it from someone else and offering it back in an exchange of full-hearted intimacy with another great soul.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 36

You ARE worthy of a magnificent life and a magnanimous love.

Magnanimous. It’s a mouthful of a word.

Official definition from Merriam-Webster:

1: showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit

2: showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind

In a quick online search, you may find a different shade of definition that includes a different kind vibe:

generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.

It’s origin is Latin: “Magnus” meaning great and “animus” meaning soul.

Great soul.

You are worthy of a great soul love.

You are worthy of finding a safe space within love that offers you the opportunity to be fully vulnerable and seen, showered with grace and generosity — and a deep knowing that you belong.

You are worthy of offering it to yourself and receiving it from yourself; you are worth of loving your great soul.

You are worth of receiving it from someone else and offering it back in an exchange of full-hearted intimacy with another great soul.


And if you’d like a reminder, I can offer a simple (and free) postal pick-me-up* in honor of Valentine’s Day.

If fact, yes — I am asking: would you be my Valentine?

πŸ’Œ There’s no sign up form. Just send an email with your name and US-based address to

🐌 *When I say postal pick-me-up, what I mean is a literal postcard sent via snail-mail that will hopefully bring a smile to your face! If you're like, "Ah, Jen - I need more information!" I got you! Take a look at this project description here on the blog. Limited number available.

And yes, this continues to be a part of my birthday month celebration.

Because positive ripples make me happy!

If you'd like to contribute to my efforts, please take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called.

Or maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (you can find me as jabsplethora on venmo/cash app) -- and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude!

More send me encouragement (sme)/birthday fun to come!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Send Me Encouragement February 2025 Free Bundle

February is my birthday month! Yes!! Woohoo!

I am an Aquarius baby. Figures, huh?

Creating graphics that help encourage others is an act of self-care, a normal-every-day celebratory act. It allows me to express my creativity and follow my heart's call to lift others up, focus on hope and shine my unique light.

All things that are good for my soul.

We also happen to find ourselves in a time and space where encouragement is needed more than ever. 

We're overwhelmed with an onslaught of negative perspectives that pull us down; and we need the community of higher vibe'd individuals to take up space in all places of reality.

With that in mind, if you want to share some inspiring thoughts with your friends/family, team, community, groups and followers - but don't have time to whip them up ... I'd love to share a handful with you.

✨ Here's the link - - to access 10 graphics to use as you help encourage others.

And happy birthday to me!

Because ripples emanating in a positive way definitely make me happy.

If you'd like to contribute to my efforts or projects (see the Send Me Encouragement page here on the blog), please take a look at the shop and make a purchase if you feel so called.

Or maybe, you just want to buy me a cuppa coffee or a treat (you can find me as jabsplethora on venmo/cash app) -- and please know that I receive your kindness with an open-heart of gratitude! And if you're a hugger, consider yourself hugged. Because the oxytocin is good for both of us!

More fun send me encouragement/birthday fun to come! The month is just getting started after all! 

Reflections Year 43 Day 359

"I'm a fellow noobie. Welcome!"

She was so pleasant I did a little happy dance and responded, "Hi! Great to meet you!"

But she was still talking, "We can struggle together..."

😳 I stopped.
😬 She added, "Or dance."

✨ I told her, "Sounds like life to me: we struggle, then we dance."

We chuckled together sharing a frequency of understanding and acceptance.

πŸ₯° It's nice to have such an authentic exchange with a new teammate.

It's a part-time retail environment, so no telling when I might see her again ... but when I do, I already know it will feel like meeting an old friend.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 34

This Send Me Encouragement (SME) postcard* is heading out today … Wait - What is Send Me Encouragement -- and while this message is very specific to the recipient, I thought maybe it might be the message you need to hear today too...

“Life is an experiment. Proceed with intention and keep love constant.”

As we start this first week in February and as we continue to craft and curate this life experience, the encouragement that bubbles up within me is …

✨ Your intention creates what’s possible.

If small joys, acts of kindness and love for ourselves and others continues to be our focus, it will expand.

If frustration, anger and criticism of ourselves and others continues, well — it too, will expand.

“… by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” — David Mitchell

πŸ’•➡️ If love is the intention, it can also means patience, kindness, grace, mercy, rest, generosity, confirming the beauty around us, lifting others up and offering excellence, being thankful, grounded and present, radiating at high frequency.

😳 It’s a lot. And that’s not even all of it.

So maybe today is just about picking a facet of love that resonates with you the most, and living it out in the best way possible on your path.

*Send Me Encouragement (SME) is one of my creative projects. You can learn more here.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 31

Motivation wants to see proof of action before it'll give you the lift - and whoosh forward - that helps you along the way. 

Take the first step. Honor your inspiration by checking the first item off your list ...

πŸ’ͺ🏼 Motivation has your back ...
πŸ₯° But only if you have it first.

The first month of 2025 is just about down (or done, depending on when you're reading this) ... 11 to go.

✨ How are you taking steps towards your growth and development?

✨ How are you providing positive impact to the world around you, your sphere of influence?

Your intention, your energy, your action -- radiates. What are you giving off?

Change happens with small steps -- baby steps -- 1% of movement in the direction of where you want to go with an attitude of consistency; and the spirit of motivation partners with our movement to help us keep moving forward.

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 31 Reminder

Today is Jan 31 (and it has been a doozie of a month) ... it's the last day to let me know if you want a free postal-pick-me-up ... 

Wait?! A what?

🐌 It's an encouragement postcard sent via snail-mail that will hopefully bring a smile to your face!

πŸ’Œ No form this time - just send an email with your name and address to

Simple. Easy-peasy. πŸ₯° I am working on writing out my positive notes to others over the weekend so that I can send them out on Monday.

If you want to contribute, just order one from my shop.

If you're like, "Ah, Jen - I need more information!" I got you! Take a look at this project description here on the blog.

A few quotes to inspire us into the weekend:

"I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." -- Maya Angelou

"It is not how much we give but how much love we put into giving..." -- Mother Teresa

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sending to US-based addresses only this time around.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 27

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." -- Napoleon Hill

πŸ§ πŸ’– Dream big, friends. Your imagination, the feeling you invest in it and your commitment to move forward with inspired action ...

... that's the magic that turns dreams into reality. ✨

Have a great week!

πŸ—“️ Remember, if you'd like some additional encouragement (a snail-mail postal pick-me-up), I am sending out postcards with a short note of positivity that will hopefully bring a smile to your face! πŸ‘€

πŸ˜ƒ If you'd like to learn more, see the SME page here on the blog.

This project wraps up on FRIDAY, Jan 31st, so if you want one, make sure to send me an email at Include a full name and US-based addy in your email copy.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

dōTERRA Essential Oils and Pet Safety

Did you know that doTERRA International LLC has a Veterinarian Advisory Board with talented professionals who offer best practices for using CPTG - certified pure tested grade - essential oils around your pets ... and even to directly support their well-being?

πŸΎπŸ’• Access a bundle of information I've compiled to help family and friends who want to use essential oils around their pets safely.

➡️ Everything's in one place - podcasts, articles, recommended products to help with specific wellness support (physical and emotional). No sign up required for this one.

πŸŽ‰ My favorite recommendations are leveraging Adaptiv and Copaiba! ✨ My household believes strongly in the supportive benefits of both of those two options, because we've had SO MUCH SUCCESS using them; not to mention my doTERRA Wellness Advocate mentors have included both of those in a recent Mental Health workshop hosted by the Elon School of Law. 

And knowing that they're safe to use around cats and dogs is .... *chef's kiss* ... perfection! 

dōTERRA essential oils undergo strict internal and third party testing to ensure purity. No fillers or additives, because it's IMPORTANT for you to be able to trust that your EO's will provide an expected result based on the plant's chemical constituents!

If you aren't already connected with a Wellness Advocate, I would love to help answer any questions you have. Feel free to send an email to

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 25

For all of us who haven't found the right fit just yet, don't lose heart.

There's a position with your name on it. You're going to be working with an amazing team at a great company doing important work. You know it. You feel it.

Keep your focus on the horizon, your eyes towards the light, as you continue to review positions, update your resume, send in applications, connect and network with the right individuals and attend first, second, third (et al) interviews.

The job hunt is work. So take care of yourself through the process.

1. Give yourself the gift of a schedule. Time to search, complete applications and interview; and time for you - to do the things you love and connect with those you care about.

2. Focus on what you can control. It's no help in overthinking a situation that is truly out of your hands.

3. Have realistic goals. This current job market is different than ones in the past. There are a lot of broken systems; and we're all just doing our best to take the right steps forward.

4. Invest in wellness, however that looks for you. Maybe it's (more) time at the gym, or focusing on nutrition and improving your gut health. Maybe it's giving yourself more creative time or going within for mindspace meditation. Maybe it's rest, and making sure that there's meaningful breaks between the peaks of high performance. 

We want to invite best ourselves to a new position, but that also means nurturing that best self while we seek.

5. Celebrate the small wins. Because collecting and fostering all the positive energy that's available to you in your process is a powerful method of "looking on the bright side." Honor yourself. Your work towards your evolution process is valuable: in every updated version of your resume, in every mock interview experience, in every human exchange when the opportunity doesn't pan out.

PRO TIP: Manage the negative self-talk.

Rejection is a real buzz kill. And there's a lot of it ... A LOT ... of it.

Remember to give yourself grace, offer yourself compassion. You deserve to be gentle with the "you within you" that's doing the best they can with the set of circumstances available.

You are an incredible human being capable of so many positively impactful actions. 


I'm sending out a small number of Send Me Encouragement (SME) postcards for FREE this month. If you’d like to add your name to the list for consideration, email -- make sure you include a US-based mailing addy in your note.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Content Creation and A Little Fun Along The Way

No social media platform is perfect. And really, what’s perfect for you, may be far from what’s perfect for someone else. πŸ‘€ Me? I’ve enjoyed testing and participating on different platforms (even said goodbye to a few along the way, Google+ … I still miss Circles) for both businesses and personal creative projects. πŸ€“πŸ§ And, I’m looking forward to seeing how the decentralized platforms continue to evolve and expand over time.

πŸ˜‚ But the shenannies available on TikTok are truly next level.


That being said, and IMHO it's not the same from last week to this — the “blip,” well … its impacts are …

… solidly based in the perspective of one’s reality (and/or algo). And truth is, if we’re thinking about evolution over time: I AM NOT THE SAME from last week to this.

But the call remains the same: create.

And I see small content creators taking the opportunity to join the bandwagon: to share their stories, to offer encouragement and gratitude, to connect with like-minded members in the community, to expand their business.


My encouragement to you based on the rising vibes of inspiration that I’ve seen in my TikTok feeds (Following, Friends and For You): no matter what tools you have at hand, what stage you find yourself on, the demographics in your audience, no matter the platforms and/or pipelines you’ve made peace with using — whether for fun, for connection, for business — continue to create and consider how you provide positive impact on your sphere of influence.

😏 As you might have guessed, with this post, it was ALL about the shenanigans —

As EB. White said: “I get up every morning, determined both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.”

— but it was also meant to serve as a small reminder that there’s someone out there cheering you on! πŸŽ‰

Maybe we can still be serious about content creation and social media management and also have a little fun along the way, huh?

February 2025 - dōTERRA Valentine's Day Sale

πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’Œ If you aren't already connected with a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and want to take advantage of the Valentine's Day sale, use my affiliate link for wholesale pricing (an extra 25% off along with free membership for the year). 

πŸ€“ Always happy to answer any questions you may have!

Affiliate Link:


🌿 Madagascar Vanilla (5mL): Fill your home with comforting magic by adding this incredible essential oil to a favorite diffuser blend. Sweeten your morning coffee, tea, or smoothie with its delightfully smooth flavor. Use it as a captivating personal fragrance or add it to bath oils or body lotions to enjoy an exquisite aroma. 
30 PV - Limit 3 per order.
Retail: $53.33 | Now: $40
Wholesale: $40 | Now: $30

🌿 Ylang Ylang (15mL): This essential oil creates a calming, positive atmosphere. It’s frequently used in luxurious hair and skin products. When taken internally, Ylang Ylang essential oil provides antioxidant support.* I will also note that this EO has a notorious reputation of being an aphrodisiac, and is often promoted around Valentine's Day as a natural way to increase libido. Do with that information as you will. πŸ‘€πŸ’•
33 PV - Limit 3 per order.
Retail: $58.67 | Now: $44
Wholesale: $44 | Now: $33

🌿 Jasmine Touch (10mL): Regarded as the “King of Flowers,” Jasmine is prized for its highly fragrant (calming, yet euphoric) aroma, making Jasmine Touch ideal to use as a personal fragrance throughout the day. Renowned for its skin benefits, Jasmine Touch can help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and promotes healthy-looking, glowing skin.
35.25 PV - Limit 3 per order.
Retail: $62.76 | Now: $47
Wholesale: $47 | Now: $35.25

doTERRA International LLC essential oils are CPTG - certified pure tested grade. They undergo strict internal and third party testing to ensure purity. If you want to geek out on the process, explore the two links below ... because it's IMPORTANT for you to be able to trust that your essential oils will provide an expected result based on the plant's chemical constituents!
The kid and I have incorporated dōTERRA products into our routine to support our daily foundational wellness for the last ... oh, since the middle of 2015. WE LOVE THEM.

NOTE: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Reflections Year 43 Day 345

Beauty helps me reset. That’s one of the reasons why I take the time to “stop and see” what I’m seeing…

It’s a fraction of a moment to acknowledge all the amazing and beautiful things around us: nature, weather, art …

And it’s that fraction of a moment that helps bump my mindspace back on track so that I can keep showing up as my better — or even, best — self.

Also — THANK YOU, MOM — for the flowers! They are perfect!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 20

Remember your power. Trust in the magic YOU bring to new beginnings. Ground in each moment by setting intentions as you move through your day. Be active in planting your purpose and nurturing your frequency.


I'm sending out a small number of Send Me Encouragement (SME) postcards for FREE this month. If you’d like to add your name to the list for consideration, email -- make sure you include a US-based mailing addy in your note.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Send Me Encouragement 2025 Day 1

The moment you decide, it's possible. Happy New Year, friends!


I'm sending out a small number of Send Me Encouragement (SME) postcards for FREE this month. If you’d like to add your name to the list for consideration, email -- make sure you include a US-based mailing addy in your note.